"Conversation with the void, Observation of the magic" is the suggestive title of the new exhibition by the artist Guillaume Alby, better known by his artistic name Remed.
The exhibition gathers a total of 10 large-format paintings, 14 drawings and marble sculptures that the artist has produced together with artisans from the city of Seville, thus complying with his work ethic under which he seeks to involve local agents in his process, enriching both his work and his knowledge.
In the artist's own words "The void, or the illusion of the void... is something like the egg of our reality. I understand it as the cradle of the possible, that is where it is extracted, where they can become reality. The oven where ideas, or rather intentions, conscious or unconscious, can become matter "
His work has been exhibited in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sao Paulo, Museum of Contemporary Art in Marseille, or in the New York Childrens museum, and in art galleries in Johannesburg, New York, Paris, Atlanta, Marrakech, California, Sweden, London, São Paulo, and a long etc, and its murals can be seen throughout the globe.
Remed develops a work with a great relationship between the spiritual, the mathematical and the aesthetic, creating a harmony both visual and sensorial.
Let's converse with the void, let's observe the magic.
Proyecto realizado con el apoyo del instituto de la cultura y las artes de Sevilla.