Nacido en Kimberley, Canadá (1978). Vive y trabaja en Barcelona.
Swaney trabaja desde la imaginación, como un elemento opuesto al uso de imágenes fotográficas, y acude intencionadamente a referentes como Jean Dubuffet, el Art Brut o el Outsider Art, y a canales de búsqueda infinitos como Internet.
Su obra está plagada de personajes de apariencia naif y fuerte carga simbólica. Figuras humanas de rasgos muy esenciales, recortadas sobre fondos planos y que no parecen interactuar entre sí. Rostros simplificados que Swaney utiliza no exento de ironía, a modo de emoticonos de la sociedad actual. Los descontextualiza y manipula hasta perder su significado original, un ejercicio que da pie a la reflexión sobre los efectos de la revolución digital en nuestras vidas.
Conocido por su pintura expresiva y sus esculturas, Swaney invita al espectador a indagar sobre las costumbres, los rituales y los objetos desde la perspectiva del absurdo. Su afán por reproducir situaciones de nuestra vida cotidiana provoca que, una vez introducidos en la obra, se adhieran a una lógica surrealista que no deja indiferente a nadie.
Óleo, acrílico, gesso y bolígrafo sobre tela le bastan para jugar con el folclore contemporáneo en textos, recortes de periódicos y artefactos. El resultado son botijos multicolores, simétricos castellets y emoticonos como que llevan el humor hasta en el título.
Swaney ha expuesto su obra en galerías y ferias de arte de todo el mundo; desde Barcelona a Nueva York, pasando por Miami, Toronto, Copenhague y Bruselas.
Depressed flowers, 2024Mike Swaney
How many paintings in a roll of canvas 5, 2023Mike Swaney
Finger Family 85th, 2023Mike Swaney
Huckleberry Asfur Tang Composite, 2024Mike Swaney
Bungalow Theif, 2023Mike Swaney
Bossa-nova Constrictor, 2023Mike Swaney
Untitled, 2024Mike Swaney
MS0017/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Mike SwaneyMike Swaney, MS0017/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023€ 1,400.00
MS0016/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Mike Swaney
MS078/2022 Finger Family Understudy 38, 2022Mike Swaney
MS081/2022 Finger Family Understudy 1, 2022Mike Swaney
MS0050 il Gander, 2021Mike Swaney
MS0052 Asparagus Bud, 2021Mike Swaney
MS029 Still life and lamps, 2021Mike Swaney
MS0080 Puppy 1, 2021Mike Swaney
MS046/2022 Finger Family Understudy 6, 2022Mike Swaney
MS043/2022 Finger Family Understudy 3, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS042/2022 Finger Family Understudy 2, 2022Mike Swaney
MS045/2022 Finger Family Understudy 5, 2022Mike Swaney
MS044/2022 Finger Family Understudy 4, 2022Mike Swaney
MS047/2022 Finger Family Understudy 7, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS049/2022 Finger Family Understudy 9, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS050/2022 Finger Family Understudy 10, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS048/2022 Finger Family Understudy 8, 2022Mike Swaney
MS051/2022 Finger Family Understudy 11, 2022Mike Swaney
MS052/2022 Finger Family Understudy 12, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS053/2022 Finger Family Understudy 13, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS056/2022 Finger Family Understudy 16, 2022Mike Swaney€ 660.00
MS055/2022 Finger Family Understudy 15, 2022Mike Swaney
MS057/2022 Finger Family Understudy 17, 2022Mike Swaney
MS054/2022 Finger Family Understudy 14, 2022Mike Swaney
MS061/2022 Finger Family Understudy 21, 2022Mike Swaney
MS060/2022 Finger Family Understudy 20, 2022Mike Swaney
MS063/2022 Finger Family Understudy 23, 2022Mike Swaney
MS064/2022 Finger Family Understudy 24, 2022Mike Swaney
MS065/2022 Finger Family Understudy 25, 2022Mike Swaney
MS066/2022 Finger Family Understudy 26, 2022Mike Swaney
MS062/2022 Finger Family Understudy 22, 2022Mike Swaney
MS068/2022 Finger Family Understudy 28, 2022Mike Swaney
MS069/2022 Finger Family Understudy 29, 2022Mike Swaney
MS067/2022 Finger Family Understudy 27, 2022Mike Swaney
MS072/2022 Finger Family Understudy 32, 2022Mike Swaney
MS073/2022 Finger Family Understudy 33, 2022Mike Swaney
MS070/2022 Finger Family Understudy 30, 2022Mike Swaney
MS071/2022 Finger Family Understudy 31, 2022Mike Swaney
MS074/2022 Finger Family Understudy 34, 2022Mike Swaney
MS075/2022 Finger Family Understudy 35, 2022Mike Swaney
MS077/2022 Finger Family Understudy 37, 2022Mike Swaney
MS076/2022 Finger Family Understudy 36, 2022Mike Swaney
MS079/2022 Finger Family Understudy 39, 2022Mike Swaney
MS007/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike SwaneyMike Swaney, MS007/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023€ 380.00
MS006/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS0014/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS009/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS00120/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Mike SwaneyMike Swaney, MS00120/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023€ 290.00
MS0012/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS002/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS005/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS0011/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS008/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS004/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike SwaneyMike Swaney, MS004/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023€ 120.00
MS0013/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS0015/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Mike Swaney
MS0010/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS003/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
MS001/2023 Untitled ceramic , 2023Mike Swaney
Mari Flor con mariquititas, 2022Mike Swaney
Pink anty, 2022Mike Swaney
MS002 Scare Crow, 2022Mike Swaney
MS0045 Mixed flor, 2021Mike Swaney
MS003 Mousie I'm sorry, 2021Mike Swaney
MS0048 Boxy Nosy, 2021Mike Swaney
MS0082 Deal Homes, 2021Mike Swaney
Dog People 16, 2020Mike Swaney
Fish People, 2020Mike Swaney
Celestial Syntax Error, 2023Mike SwaneyVendido
Dior, Fenty, Giorgio, Cool Water, Stetson, Givenchy Finger Family 49th, 2021Mike SwaneyVendido
Just Keep Your Eye Out Like Aye Aye Captain, 2021Mike SwaneyVendido
Two Lips, 2021Mike SwaneyVendido
Three Lips, 2021Mike SwaneyVendido
Lips, 2021Mike SwaneyVendido
MS0019/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Mike SwaneyVendidoMike Swaney, MS0019/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Vendido
MS0018/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Mike SwaneyVendidoMike Swaney, MS0018/2023 Untitled ceramic, 2023Vendido
MS058/2022 Finger Family Understudy 18, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS059/2022 Finger Family Understudy 19, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
Hermanas, 2023Mike SwaneyVendido
Finger Family 86th, 2023Mike SwaneyVendido
Charcuterie, 2023Mike SwaneyVendido
Laberinto, 2023Mike SwaneyVendido
MS010/2022-FingerFamily68th, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS008/2022-FingerFamily68th, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS011/2022-FingerFamily68th, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS007/2022 FingerFamily68th, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS009/2022-FingerFamily68th, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS016/2022-FingerFamily73rd, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS006/2022 FingerFamily, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
MS006/2022 FingerFamily, 2022Mike SwaneyVendido
U-Roy, 2020Mike SwaneyVendido
Finger Family 36th (Gremlin Juice), 2020Mike SwaneyVendido
2024 No Games, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona
2023. Jardín de Luz. Delimbo Gallery. Sevilla
2022. 4 Hands, Steve Turner, Los Angelese
2022. How Many Paintings in a Roll of Canvas?, NBB Gallery, Berlin
2021. Finger Family, Allouche Benias Gallery, Athens
2021. Torrential Avalanche Sandwich, Breach Miami
2019. Peanut Butter & Honey Moon, Sorry We’re Closed, Brussels
2018. Here I am, here I am, how do you do? L21, Mallorca, Spain
2017. Ongange Lellow, Gnyp Gallery, Berlin
2016. Papisho, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus
2015. Physiology of Taste, Rafael Pérez Hernando, Madrid
2015. Sculptures & Groceries, Louis 21 – The Envelope, Palma de Mallorca
2014. Subtropics, Krets, Malmö
2014. Hut 1 Paintings 4, Blokker, Madrid
2013. Sleeping Beauty Painter, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus
2013. You just got blogged, me & the curiosity, Barcelona
2013. :•), noestudio, Madrid
2012. Efecto Dubuffet, Mulherin + Pollard, New York
2012. Go West, Escala, Valencia, Spain 2011 Ding Dong , Alice Gallery, Brussels
2012. Ancient Scrolls, Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, Miami 2010 The Corner, Victor Saavedra, Barcelona
2009. Zulu Voodoo Buddha Guru, Iguapop Gallery, Barcelona
2009. Safari Arc Performance, Locust Projects, Miami
2008. Butler’s Credit, Katharine Mulherin Contemporary Art Projects, Toronto
2008. Whitehorse, Yellowknife, Red Deer, Atelier Gallery, Vancouver
2007. Artifacts from Finland, Iguapop Gallery, Barcelona
2006. Onoffonoffonoff (w/ Human ve collective), Art Firm, Calgary
2004. Spirit in the sky takes rest..., (w/ Human ve collective), The Crying Room, Vancouver
2003. Human ve (w/ Human ve collective), Compound Gallery, Portland
2024. La Invitación, Gaviota, Madrid
2024.To Build A Home, Mini Galerie, Rotterdam
2024.New Portraits, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona
2023 “la terre est bleue comme une orange“, Alzueta Gallery, Madrid
2023. MAMA, I’M COMING HOME, Tim Contemporaneo, Santiago
2022 Familiar Faces, Mini Galerie, Rotterdam
2022. Plays Well With Others, Freight+Volume, New York
2022. Paradisio, Breach, Miami
2022. Dream Paper, Galerie Slika, Lyon
2022. NBB III, NBB Gallery, Berlin
2021 NBB PAPERWORKS VOL II, NBB Gallery, Berlin
2021. Paper, BEERS London
2021. Now Now, Breach, Miami
2021. Perfect Conditions, Galerie Slika, Lyon
2021. CRYSTAL. Delimbo Gallery, Spain
2020.Then and Now, Allouche Benias Gallery, Athens
2020.The Edge of Chaos, The Newsstand Project, LA
2018. 3 person show, Ever Gold Projects, San Francisco
2018. As If A Field Could Become Some Dream, No Place, Columbus, Ohio
2018. Velvet Ropes GIFC, David Risley Gallery, Copenhagen
2017. In Paper We Trust, The Dot Project, London- curated by Sara Clarken & Brigitte Mulholland
2017. Three-way Ticket, Needles And Pens, San Francisco- curated by Pablo de Pinho
2017. 21, Left Field Gallery, San Luis Obispo, USA
2016. Grand Opening Show, Allouche Gallery, NY
2016. Itch Under The Skin, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark
2016. GIFC VOL 2-6, David Risley Gallery, Happy Ending, HAIK HQ, Steinsland Berliner, Agnes B’s Gallerie du Jour
2016. Christmas Show, Versace Versace Versace, Miami
2015. Second Show, Eddys Room Gallery, NY
2015. Art Copenhagen w/ Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Denmark Sun Spot, Big Medium Gallery at Canopy, Austin, Texas Summer Mixer, Joshua Liner Gallery, New York
2015. Crossing the Line, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark
2015. Group show – Koelsch Gallery, Houston, Texas
2015. Creative Expressions, organized by Jonathan Rajewski, College for Creative Studies, Detroit 2015. Art Herning w/ Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Herning, Denmark
2014. Ingràvid group show curated by Me & the Curiosity, Galería Lola Ventós, Figueres Swab Art 2014. Fair w/ me & the curiosity & Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Barcelona Summertimes, Galeria Yusto/Giner, Marbela
2014. Salat, 3 person show, CCA Andratx, Andratx
2014. Arti cilia, Cyan Gallery, Barcelona
2014. Still Life, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus
2014. Just Before Brazil, Alice Gallery, Brussels
2014. Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Curated by Mónica Álvarez Careaga, Galería Astarté, Madrid
2014. Lost in Space, curated by Aliceday, Alice Gallery, Brussels
2013. The Hanging (w/ Huskmitnavn), Ruttkowski 68, Cologne
2013. Whole, In Part. Artists' Publications from the MACBA Collections, Musac, Leon Groupshow, 2013. Gallery Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm
2013. Swab Art Fair w/ me & the curiosity, Barcelona
2013. Living Video, Demolden, Santander, Spain
2013. Wintershow, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark
2012. Art Copenhagen w/ Alice Gallery and Charlotte Fogh Gallery Paperworld, Charlotte Fogh Gallery, Aarhus, Denmark Domesticated Souls, Alice Gallery, Brussels
2012. Blaque Lyte, ADA Gallery, Richmond, USA
2012. Esto no es graffiti, Cicus, Sevilla, Spain
2012. Fun, Riihimäki Art Museum, Riihimäki, Finland
2011. Pulse Miami w/ Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts
2011. BYOB Barcelona, Fundació
2011. Funky Pretty, Gallery Steinsland Berliner, Stockholm Art Brussels w/ Alice gallery
2010. Pintura? cuatro respuestas, Adhoc Galeria, Vigo, Spain
2010. Relationships, Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen
2010. Guasch Coranty Painting Prize exhibition, Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, Barcelona Draw, Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico City
2010. Group show, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco
2010. To the road less travelled..., V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
2009. The Pop of Colors, POVevolving Gallery, Los Angeles
2009. Hello My Name Is, Katharine Mulherin Contemporary Art Projects, Los Angeles
2008. SCOPE Miami with Iguapop Gallery
2008. Landscape Portrait Pattern, Hallway Projects, San Francisco
2008. Out of STH, group show at Awangarda BWA, Wroclaw, Poland
2008. White Noise Drawn Together, V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
2008. How Clouds Dream (2 person show), Deluge Contemporary, Victoria, Canada Art Chicago & Art Cologne w/ Galeria Altxerri
2008. SCOPE New York w/ Iguapop Gallery
2008. White Noise, Space 1026, Philadelphia
2007. SCOPE Miami w/ Iguapop Gallery
2007. Slump (2 person show), Galeria Altxerri, San Sebastian, Spain Swab Art Fair w/ Iguapop Gallery, Barcelona
2005. Humble Beginnings, Belkin Satelite, Vancouver
2002. Dollhouse, The Crying Room, Vancouver
2002. It’s a Small World, Gallerie le Deco, Tokyo & Sis Boom Bah, Toronto
2002. Suggestive Line, Belkin Satellite Gallery, Vancouver
2001. Live installation/performance with Human ve, Helen Pitt Gallery, Vancouver
2001. Residents, Bubble Gallery, Vancouver
Alzueta Residency, Casavells - May 2024
Simcor Residency, Los Angeles - November 2019
CCA Aandratx Residency, Mallorca – June 2014
Noestudio, Madrid, Jan. – Feb. 2013
Fountainhead Residency, Miami, Sept. – Nov. 2008
Jardín de Luz
Michael Swaney I Exposición individual 9 Marzo - 6 Mayo 2023La obra de Swaney mezcla el encanto de las pinturas naive con un toque delicado que le es propio. Cada cuadro es una representación única e intrincada del mundo que...Leer más -
Crystal. 15 years of Delimbo Gallery
Collective exhibition | Delimbo Sevilla 26 Junio - 17 Septiembre 2021Delimbo Gallery Sevilla celebra su 15 aniversario con una exposición que reune obra de artistas como Alexandre Farto aka Vhils, Okuda San Miguel, Alex Brewer 'Hense', Michael, Swaney, Matías Sánchez,...Leer más -
Friends and Family Vol IV
Nano4814, Louis Lambert, Mike Swaney & Ana Barriga | Delimbo Sevilla 19 Diciembre 2020 - 6 Febrero 2021Delimbo Sevilla. Mike Swaney, Ana Barriga, Nano4814 & Louis LambertLeer más