Friends and Family Vol IV

Friends and Family Vol IV Exhibition including recent works by Michael Swaney, Ana Barriga, Nano Abia and Louis Lambert.

Friends & Family vol IV is starring two Delimbo artists, Nano4814 and Louis Lambert, who are in charge of joining and welcomes Mike Swaney and Ana Barriga, who show their works for the first time at Delimbo Gallery Sevilla.

All together, they transform the white cube of the gallery, creating a space for exchanging styles, resources, influences and manners, but always using figurative painting as a medium which shows their personal vision of their surrounding world. All of them use the pictorial medium in a very intuitive way, either with the intention of investigating the media, like Nano's work; as a playful path, as Barriga's work; or through a naive appearance, in the case of Swaney or Lambert.  Regarding the themes, they explore banal issues, representing people or objects that are part of their immediate context, or that have been found by chance, in order to give them a sense of transcendence, either painted or sculpted.