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"Nobody’s here" is the second solo show at Delimbo Seville of the Belgian artistic duo, formed by Antoine Detaillle (1980) and Jérôme Meynen (1982).

For this exhibition, the Hell'O are taking a new direction within its consolidated production. The title "Nobody's here" is an statement in itself, a change of perspective within their previous work, which used to be composed by imaginary creatures: humans, animals or elements extracted from natural world.


In this exhibition, the artists have carried out a complex effort to synthesize the forms, flee from the figurative obsession that characterizes their previous work, but without ever losing their personal vocabulary nor the narrativity of their compositions. In these new pieces, the line, the textures and the geometric shapes become a sort of abstraction of their habitual patterns, which they have decontextualized and reorganized to form a new patchwork.


In this way, "Nobody's here" is the conclusion of the researching process in which they are currently immersed. Another step in the searching for the balance of their joint work and an opportunity of expanding the possibilities of its artistic work in the future.
