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Internationally renowned artist in the late 90's for his classic graffiti letters, and nowadays for his large scale futuristic murals, shows his latest creations at Delimbo Gallery Seville.

There are more elements of calculus and precision than those of fate and randomness in the path walked by Demsky. J. The elements that are usually perceived as subjective; his creative expression, his persona, even his psychology, have been always moved by the objectivity in maths, science and the laws of nature that rule every aspect of our existence.


In this manner he approaches creation as a survival instinct in this world full of rigid parameters, numbers, codes, enigmas and memory. In the same way that gravity commands the fall of objects, the natural and numerical protocols are innate to the understanding of our vast universe in as a whole.


Just as a curve that fades to translate into a square, Demsky. J walks us through the dissociation of what is fortuitous and what is exact to be able to understand them together. Luck and coincidences are usually the disguise of destiny and Demsky transmits this almost telephatically. This is his VLTRAMETRIC PROTOCOL.




Elx, Spain, 1979


If we talk about the history of Spanish graffiti, Demsky J. is one of the main names to consider. He began painting graffiti in the early 90s in Elx, his hometown, and since then his work has traveled around the entire world.


He has made murals of great dimensions throughout the globe, his work has been exhibited in art fairs such as Scope Miami or Scope NYC, or in art galleries in Tokyo, Mexico City, New York, Hamburg or Paris, and now Demsky J. will show us his most recent works in his first individual exhibition in Seville, which begins next Friday March 8 at the Delimbo gallery.


Some of the the last projects of the artist is the one that has created recently with the player of the NBA Kobe Bryant, a collaboration with Nike, or to have realized the biggest mural of China in the building of the TV channel Mango TV.