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Rorro Berjano is an artist who has always opened new dictions about initiatory experiences that kept him in contact, from the plastic and objectual possibilities, with Afro-Cuban ancestral culture and the social atmosphere that observed in its progressive approach to religious syncretism and Caribbean idiosyncrasy.A particular focus draws on numerous elements that coincide in affirming, flatly, highly and transcendentally positioning around different formal precedents as street art, contemporary popular culture and primitivist aesthetic, filtered by the juxtaposition of ideas and records pictorial near the current collective imagination.

His creative engagement states categorically a palimpsest hyper-narrative consistency and phenomenological determination of folklore and the risks involved about make it closer to the anthropological knowledge poetry.


This will be the first time that Rorro exhibits at Delimbo on his own, and his aim for this show is to submerge us into his apocryphal and singular figuration: one that nurtures from the sincretic and symbolic ideas he gathered throughout the years, achieveing a pictorial magma that melts the afrocuban anthropological cosmology with graffiti, as a ‘sign of the times’ record, far beyond urban art, the decadence of consumerism and the iconography of the ‘fallen angels’.


The artist explores his own idiosincrasy and his particular interests, music, philosophy and history of arts, with point zero being his previous solo project, “New gods, new retables” (2009), as a revision of the facts and as a methodological fracture, almost as a self-homage.


In this sense, the exhibition will feature some disciplinary diversification, to serve as a complete tribute to painting, sculpture and pottery. In fact, his works on clay and glaze have a wide protagonism and, alongside the rest of idolatrous and fetishistic appearances, propose a precise debate on the ambivalences of our current lifestyles, from the point of view of the objects culture, the irony and the satire, the signs and icons.