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"Ser. Entre Semilla y Ceniza " is the suggestive title of the new exhibition by the artist Guillaume Alby, better known by his artistic name Remed, an exhibition in which he features a selection of works made in the last year exclusively for this exhibition.

The exhibition comprises a total of 12 large-format paintings, 24 drawings and two sculptures that the artist has produced together with artisans and artists from the city of Seville, thus complying with his work ethic under which he seeks to involve locals in his work. process, enriching both his work and his knowledge, as well as at the same time giving support, recognition and visibility to the local arts and craft scene.


His work has been exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sao Paulo, Museum of Contemporary Art in Marseille, or at the New York Childrens Museum, just to name a few, and at top-notch art galleries in places such as Johannesburg, New York, Paris, Atlanta, Marrakech, California, Sweden, London, Sao Paulo, and a long etc, and its murals can be seen throughout the globe.


Remed develops a work with a great relationship between the spiritual, the mathematical and the aesthetic, creating a harmony both visual and sensory.

It is the present moment to which Remed move us with the contemplation of his work, just the moment in which we find ourselves between the seed and the ashes, to make us celebrate life through art.
